Lulu pencil
Lulu pencil

lulu pencil

Both Kingston and Pencil have had to overcome some form of adversity. Their interactions with one another has been one of both respect and admiration. While he may be due to circumstances of his control and hers isn’t, they are connected to one another because they can relate with one another. Much like Kingston, she has been the underdog. It could very well be that connection and similarity to one another that has given fans another reason to care about Kingston. Whether it’s as a character or not, Pencil, much like Kingston, has shown growth. In fact, if it’s a case of someone that will continue to work to get better. Now, in saying this, I wasn’t familiar with Pencil myself, but in reading about her, she’s described as ‘caring very much about what she does but just not very good in the ring.’ Her story is one of someone who manages to pick themselves up regardless of how many times they get knocked down. Yet on this night, the fans would pick sides and Eddie Kingston would be who fans would embrace.Ī unique relationship that has emerged that has shown a different side to Kingston has been the one with ChocoPro’s Lulu Pencil. CM Punk was heralded as the returning hero, and Eddie Kingston was the guy that ‘never amounted to much.’ But when the two men stood across the ring from each verbally sparring with one another. Khan shared that he had entrusted Kingston with facing someone that he is all too familiar with. And the people who knew him before I did would tell me you wouldn’t believe how far Eddie’s come if you knew him back then.” Because I knew Eddie had some struggles, but getting to know him more the past year, I’ve learned more and more about it and how far he’s come. But I don’t want to undersell how far he has come this year, too, and also how far he has come outside of the ring. And I had also seen that he had crossed over to a mainstream audience and that we could push onto national television as a main event wrestler. While skeptics will likely doubt Khan, in this instance, he shared about one troubled talent that had likely turned his last opportunity into the most important one of his career.

lulu pencil

Khan was asked if he could foresee the impact and influence that Eddie Kingston would have on the locker room both on and off-screen. Eddie Kingston had come so far from his days in the IWA Mid South and ROH to where he is today. I had the opportunity to ask Khan a question, and it could only be about one person.

#Lulu pencil full#

Last month, AEW President Tony Khan held a media conference to address all things AEW leading into Full Gear.

Lulu pencil