Breaking up because of distance but still in love reddit
Breaking up because of distance but still in love reddit

breaking up because of distance but still in love reddit

And they stop being fun very quickly when they prioritize people or things outside of the relationship.

breaking up because of distance but still in love reddit

They believe relationships are playgrounds they can abandon the moment they stop being fun. It’s hard to have a deep connection when they don’t even take relationships seriously. That tells us that LDR dumpers’ priorities are in disarray, that they have a “me mentality,” and that they haven’t yet discovered the joy of deep long-lasting emotional connections.


But they choose not to because the prospect of being free and/or getting into a new relationship looks much more appealing to them. There are 4 other love languages for them to capitalize on. Some try to justify the breakup by stating their primary love language is physical touch, but that has nothing to do with their poor relationship mentality and a lack of commitment to the relationship.Ī love language is just their preferred way of giving and receiving love. Typically, they can receive benefits such as: Their love is shallow, which means it’s conditional on their partner’s physical presence and the things they can take from the relationship. They want relationship perks accessible to them at all times.Įither way, those who initiate a breakup because of long distance do so because they don’t love their partner enough. Some people break up because of long distance because they’d been in an LDR (long distance relationship) before and it didn’t work out whereas others find the distance boring and unfulfilling and don’t want to talk to their partner on the phone too much. At least one person does due to the belief that long-distance relationships are difficult and that it’d be more convenient for him/her or both of them to separate and date someone more physically available to them. Nobody likes the distance, but couples who break up because of it detest it. They don’t see the distance as a test of love and devotion, but rather as a nuisance – as something that happened and needs to be avoided instead of worked on. They do this because their commitment to each other is lacking and dependent on how much they can benefit from each other rather than how much they can give. Many couples transition from a physical relationship to a long-distance one and break up shortly after the transition or even before that.

Breaking up because of distance but still in love reddit